
Battles do not end on the battlefield.  They are carried home with every veteran that served, whether they were boots-on-ground in the action or supporting the efforts from the base.  Seeing and hearing of the carnage that takes place implants a bug in all of us.  This bug is very difficult to control and often leads to veteran suicide.  Studies show that, on average, nearly 22 veterans commit suicide every day.  This is unacceptable.


At the Nebraska Warriors, our mission is to support the reintegration, healing, and feeling of belonging in every veteran.  Comradery is a powerful tool that can help to alleviate a veterans’ feeling of seclusion, build bonds of trust similar to those that are developed in a time of conflict, there-by allowing an atmosphere that supports the healing process for these traumatic experiences.  If we can help to save one veteran from the decision to take their own life, we consider that a success.

2024 Gateway Warrior Classic Champions